Posts Tagged ‘difference.’

John Kotter discusses the difference between “change management” and “change leadership,” and whether it’s just a matter of semantics. These terms are not in…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Jeams OLLA, fondateur de l’institut africain du Leadership (IADL) José MENE BERRE, animateur de l’émission “A Nous Les Idées”

By keeping the difference in mind, you will be able to see your business in a new perspective and you will be able to approach both areas correctly. Read mor…
Video Rating: 5 / 5 Learn why you are the most powerful marketing strategy in the world. This book is a step by step guide to marketing and sel… Do you know the difference between sales and marketing? It’s simple but a lot of people have a tough time figuring it out. Watch …
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Award-winning sales rep and Sir Speedy Printing and Marketing Services franchise owner, Phillip Crum, talks about the differences between marketing and sales efforts and how they should work together.

Sales intelligence applications have changed the sales landscape much the same way that the Bloomberg Terminal changed Wall Street. Social selling is driven with accurate sales intelligence. Sales productivity increases as more data is captured with trigger events being the action. InsideView, the social CRM application which brings comprehensive sales intelligence gained from social media and traditional sources directly into any CRM platform for increased sales productivity and revenue.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

US Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC) questions President Obama’s Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke how increasing interest rates will affect US debt payments. Bernanke stated that a 1% increase in interest rates would cause 0 billion per year increase in size of US debt, or trillion in new debt over 10 years. DeMint stated: “That’s real money.” Bernanke responded: “A trillion there, a trillion here… doesn’t make that much difference.”