A 1926 silent comedy film starring Buster Keaton. Union solders have stolen The General, a Confederate train manned by Johnnie Gray, who was unable to enlist…
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Music video by Yandel feat. El General Gadiel and Farruko performing Plakito. (C) 2014 Sony Music Entertainment US Latin LLC.

50 Responses to “The General (1926)”

  • Jonathon Graham:

    The best film in cinematic history. Movies after 1934 are utter trash.
    Stuff like this makes Kubrick, Scorsese, Leone, and Tarantino look like
    complete amateur hacks who shouldn’t be in the film industry.

  • olive4naito:

    54:25 Apparently Buster got told off by the actress after it happened :p 

  • Bernhard Dörries:

    Im Frühling 1861 lässt die Nachricht über die nahenden Unionstruppen im
    südstaatlichen Ort Marietta die Kriegshysterie ausbrechen. Um Gunst und
    Respekt seiner geliebten Annabelle Lee nicht zu verlieren, meldet sich der
    angesehene Lokomotivführer Johnnie Gray eifrig beim Rekrutierungsbüro. Aus
    für ihn unverständlichen Gründen wird er als Soldat abgelehnt; dass er als
    Lokomotivführer für den Süden als wertvoller erachtet wird, erfährt er
    ebenso wenig wie Annabelle. Sie will ihn erst in Uniform wiedersehen – eine
    für Johnnie unmögliche Aufgabe und somit das Ende der Beziehung.

    Ein Jahr später entführen nordstaatliche Spione an dem Haltepunkt Big
    Shanty Johnnies geliebte Lokomotive General. Ohne Zögern nimmt Johnnie
    einsam die Verfolgung der entführten Dampflokomotive auf, erst zu Fuß,
    schließlich mit einer weiteren Lokomotive. Er trotzt dabei allen
    Hindernissen, die ihm die Spione in den Weg legen. Diese wollen durch
    gezielte Zerstörungen auf dem Weg in den Norden das Kommunikations- und
    Bahnsystem der Konföderierten lahmlegen.

    Die Verfolgungsjagd endet für Johnnie im Land der Feinde, wo er sich im
    Wald versteckt hält, ehe ihn der Hunger in das Hauptquartier der
    nordstaatlichen Generäle treibt. Dort gelingt es ihm, die feindlichen Pläne
    zu belauschen.

  • ankit nanda:

    buster, chaplin were some of the genius comedian who really knew what can
    bring smile to a person, these Legends risked their life quite many time
    just for sake of our smiles, Its an honor to watch these guys performance.

  • Loscia Gnostica:

    Sometimes it’s best
    To take that Ol’ Black Dog, Depression sit him on the couch next to you
    With a snack tray full of grapes, Sweet not sour,
    And enjoy some old time Funny.

  • brianthehippy:

    That was a great flck, thanks for posting!

  • Steve's Channel:

    The stunts performed on a full size steam locomotive are amazing. Those
    Loco’s were certainly bashed about during the filming

  • T Penny:

    “Stuff you missed in history class” just did a 2 part episode on this over
    on Itunes

  • Grey Seal:

    I love this film! It is brilliant, an absolute classic!

  • Sanchordia:

    Who composed the music score on this?

  • Carla Bertomeu:

    It would be great if you could state in the video description that music is
    by Carl Davis! I’ve gone mad searching for the composer…

  • liamtz:

    Watched it in a packed theater during the late 80s. The audience (mostly
    young people) loved it. Quality transcends time.

  • mohamed kasseh:

    but north win in this war is it?

  • beadle100:

    The general is a masterpiece and Buster Keaton a genius!Had me on the edge
    of my seat!

  • Sigdrifa:

    I would have dumped her for her “uniform”-speech. She certainly wants to be
    together with a uniform, not with a man.
    Well, the South lost the war anyway.

  • Thamauturge:

    47:31 is that a power line in the 1860s?

  • rasheedlovesyou:

    brilliant movie ! a must see !

  • Jacob Churchwell:

    This maybe a silent movie, but it betrays the Andrews Raid of 1862 or Great
    Locomotive chase. Kennesaw, GA- Ringgold, GA. Some parts of the movie
    didn’t really happen such as the cannon scene, the Bicycle scene, and the
    push car. In real life The train chasers used a pole car from Moons
    Station till the Etowah station. Also see
    http://www.locomotivegeneral.com/locomotivechase.html for more information

  • Silent Cinema:

    One of the great films of all times. Has heart, comedy and great acting!

  • Kartal Özlem:


  • Shababa Ahmed:

    Considering that I have always lived in a world where sound was one of the
    main focuses on movies and television, I take for granted that it is a
    large portion of my sensory perceptions. “Live perceptions are never purely
    auditory and visual. A change in the light is accompanied by a change in
    temperature. You are at the roadside, a car speeds past. You have: 1. the
    car in your field of vision; 2. the noise it makes in a wider field, before
    and after, heard by both ears (stereophonic sound);” (Chion 71). Since our
    auditory senses highten visual perceptions, it is safe to say that if there
    was no sound our attention gets displaced to other aspects. For example,
    when silent films were the new entertainment people watched these films
    without any sort of auditory stimulation. With no emphasis on the sound, we
    pay closer attention to our visual perceptions like facial expressions and
    movements to pinpoint importance of scenes and climax because there will be
    no loud boom or explosion to catch our attention. Producers of silent films
    knew that sound was important because it gave the audience emotional cues
    for the actions taking place. So, many showings of silent films were not
    actually silent because they were commonly accompanied by live music. Sound
    has always been an essential part of perception.

    The General (1926) is ranked the #1 film for the silent era. However, the
    orchestra music throughout the film is used to emphasize what is happening
    on the screen. So by silent they mean, no dialogue. 

  • Crystal Storm:

    Omd this is so cool whether its a talkie or not

  • KitoflowOficial:

    Yo le dije a Yandel que este tema merecia remix y video unos de mi favorito
    con o sin farruko la rompee 

  • San diego ecua:

    ES mi idea O ese “pana” del Gadiel hace los movimientos de Wisin cuando
    cantaba con yandel … mmmm

  • JuanKarloz García:

    farruko la mejoro pero ubiera estado mejor con gotay y farru juntos ese si
    seria un super remix

  • Nico Sena:

    Me encanta! Yandel demuestra que el Reggaeton esta tan pegado y fuerte como
    en los tiempos de antes. Gadiel dando ese liriqueo unico que sabe y Farruko
    pudo aportar mas, pero la variacion de voz con la de Yandel dejo perfecta a
    la cancion!

  • Michael J. Millan Jara:

    que wea es plakito ?


    Sin farruko la canción no seria musica 

  • Triada35:

    Día 6 de Octubre, y aún no se que xuxa es Plakito

  • Mariel Rangel:


  • Juan José Zavala Vázquez:

    No entiendo que le paso a la antigua voz de Farruko :c se escucha diferente
    en sus ultimas canciones.

  • Liber Andres:

    aqui por FARRUKO ! , a los dolidos que no le gusta Farruko yo se qe la
    parte de Farru les salta el culo ! 

  • Sandy Brown:

    For You …Good Sunday 

  • •✿ Piиk Łคđч ✿•:


  • jorge aldolfo leon pancracio:

    Es la primera vez que escucho a ese cabron de Farruko y no me gustó, en
    cambio Yandel esta en otro nivel. 

  • Meri Flora:

    What means “Plakito” ? :) cool song btw ))

  • Cristobal Osses:

    Muy bueno el video ,
    Pero salen signos Iluminatis!!
    El triangulo , el circulo detras que significa el ojo que lo ve todo. Que
    lastima que exponentes de reggaeton sean títeres de esta poderosa sexta
    , ni hablar de el video de daddy ora por mi !!! :/ 

  • Elver Galarga:

    WAIT,que gadiel no habia muerto? 

  • Sergio Andres:

    Estimado Es mu bueno el tema pero senti que a Farruko le falto fuerza en la
    voz cuando canta en el minuto 2:31… De igual forma es un temazo!!!

  • Erika Melendez:

    En primera el no es wisin es YANDEL !!!!

  • Nicole Marie Delfaus Colon:

    Farruko ❤ 

  • Naya Ben:


  • Andre Fabrizio Fontela:

    Esto es Musica <3

  • madjoker2599:


  • E.j Jerez:


  • Alexandra acosta:

    No jadan todos esos que ponen comentarios en contra de FARRUKO canta
    hermoso y ustedes ni en la ducha cantan estupidos .l.

  • Lizandro Cifuentes:


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