Lecture 1 of Leonard Susskind’s Modern Physics concentrating on General Relativity. Recorded September 22, 2008 at Stanford University. This Stanford Continuing Studies course is the fourth of a six-quarter sequence of classes exploring the essential theoretical foundations of modern physics. The topics covered in this course focus on classical mechanics. Leonard Susskind is the Felix Bloch Professor of Physics at Stanford University. Stanford Continuing Studies: continuingstudies.stanford.edu About Leonard Susskind: www.stanford.edu Stanford University Channel on YouTube: www.youtube.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5

29 Responses to “Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity | Lecture 1”

  • Trollus Vulgaris:

    I’m french, and subtitles are very useful, even if mathematics are universal.

  • Trollus Vulgaris:

    I’m french and subtitles are very useful. Event if mathematics are universal.

  • rugbyboi:

    the curves are caused by the force exerted on that object by other nearby objects

  • GitFiddler13601:

    Awesome Mars vid! For more Astronomical Cosmic “stuff” childrenofcosmos dote com and/or join our FB group

  • thedudeyeah:

    I really like his beard. I wish I could have beard :(

  • djRezen:

    so is gravity ACTUALLY the curvature of space or is there some secondary action which curves space like the abundance of mass… so i guess is it gravity or mass which is curving space… thanks by the way

  • indurnuguri1:

    Thank you Skepnostic for the response. Actually, what I’m thinking is since in an atom, the major constituents of mass are proton and neutron, and these are bound in an atom by nuclear forces, so I thought only these forces are primarily responsible for the mass of an atom which in turn is responsible for gravity.

    I’m a novice in this subject but it has always interested me.

  • Skepnostic:

    Those forces aren’t creating gravity, it is certainly a distinct force. You may find it interesting to know that electromagnetic forces and the weak nuclear force are in fact caused by the same force (Electroweak force), but this is only seen at very high energy levels.
    I’m not sure what the limits of computational models are, but such a model wouldn’t give you any insight into what’s going on. It could (I think) only show you how things would behave under the given conditions, not why.

  • aqwertgbvcxz:

    There is no such a thing as instantaneous gravity, to my knowledgw. Gravity is time dependent.

  • aqwertgbvcxz:

    He is one of the leading scientists.

  • aqwertgbvcxz:

    close enough

  • Samantha July:

    Is this a real professor? lol…”mass can’t be changed, unless i drink this cup of coffee”…lol

  • Oliver whitmore:

    I thought gravity was 9.8 m/s/s, he says 10 m/s/s.

  • mhoustoninteg:

    This should be titled “Christopher Walken teaches Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity”.

  • Curtis Jackson:

    wich university is better stanford or the Martin Luther University in Germany?

  • aqwertgbvcxz:

    It sometimes could be.

  • AndreasDirtyTube:

    I did not say there are no stupid questions, I said asking them is never stupid, at any level. Asking questions and looking for solutions to things you are trying to learn, is the only path away from stupid.

  • aqwertgbvcxz:

    The neat thing about physical laws are that one can use them by just know how to use them without really knowing why and how they work.

  • aqwertgbvcxz:

    This is the case when you are at kindergarten level. lol
    Asking a question may not be stupid but the question can be. Don’t be fooled by the professor saying ask all your questions. No question is stupid. What he really is trying to do is to find out how stupid and ignorant one really is. lol ahhahahhahahah
    I am trying to tell you the real motive behind professors interest in your questions.

  • aqwertgbvcxz:

    Are you saying that the physics students at Stanford are idiots?

  • kuzzekerri:

    fuck the einstein and its gravity

  • AndreasDirtyTube:

    Adding to this: Asking questions is never stupid when you are trying to learn. Not asking a question, and then sitting there not understanding the rest of the lecture because of it, now that is stupid. And if you dont understand something and need to ask a question, chanses are there are more like you there, and maybe even somebody that misunderstood something about it, learned it correctly beacuse of you.

  • indurnuguri1:

    Nice answer, it is like giving a key to an alarm clock. Man, Universe is so great and vast, my understanding of it is almost zero. I always had great admiration of Netwon, he was such a genius to put all those grand theories some centuries back. I hope such a genius comes in this time, he will give a good kick to advanced scientific concepts and move our human race into further advancement.

  • indurnuguri1:


    Gravity always has mystified me. As different forces such as nucleostatic/ electrostatic forces, exist with in the atom, so is it possible that only these forces are creating gravity, when an object of large mass such as planet/satellite possess creates this force of gravity?

    Is it possible to create a computer model to simulate the constituents and mass of the earth with similar properties of atoms and test the generation of gravity? I mean to visibly demonstrate and understand.


  • Skepnostic:

    As far as I understand, gravity IS the curvature of space – Essentially, a massive object curves/bends space, and light travels in a “straight” line in that curved space. Think about taking a marker and drawing a “straight” line on the surface of a sphere (Or any other curved object). Hope that helps.

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  • kyle:

    branched@bunny.cacophony” rel=”nofollow”>.…


  • cafeterias@piled.fluids” rel=”nofollow”>.…

    good info….

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