In 2014 using Twitter for business marketing goals is essential for growth, branding and generating revenue. Small business owners and large companies alike …
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You don’t need me to tell you that owning a small business is hard! But take it from me, it’s incredibly rewarding! Here are some tips for making the most of…
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6 Responses to “Using Twitter For Business Marketing | Twitter For Small Business Marketing – How To Guide”

  • littletots-bigbox TV:

    hi josh so we are fantastic on Facebook 90k fans and we just cant seem to
    get the interaction on twitter that we get on Facebook like share etc in
    twitters case retweet fav etc we are retailing baby and children’s clothes
    which are always needed but just have no success on twitter any


    found this video to a great teaching

  • littletots-bigbox TV:

    hi josh so we are fantastic on Facebook 90k fans and we just cant seem to
    get the interaction on twitter that we get on Facebook like share etc in
    twitters case retweet fav etc we are retailing baby and children’s clothes
    which are always needed but just have no success on twitter any


    found this video to a great teaching

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