“We’re at 70 Lower Clapton Road, northeast London, where David and Eleanor are manning the register. While the clock approaches noon, the machine passes the 500-pounds mark (more than 0). It’s been ages since the two owners of independent bookshop “Pages of Hackney” managed to tally such amount, all done without any special marketing strategies. It all started 90 minutes earlier. David and Eleanor were attending to their customers when about fifty social networkers start surging into the small shop, all waving 20-pound notes, determined to spend them on a hundred or so books, and then proceed to drink a toast and walk out.”* Cash mobs don’t involve surprise dancing and singing, but they are a new and great way middle-class people are helping small business owners. Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian discuss. *Read more from Mehdi Atmani/ World Crunch: www.worldcrunch.com

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