A humorous example of the gap among the “genuine globe” and school.
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25 Responses to “Rodney Dangerfield’s First Economics Class”

  • andrespereyda:

    ha… fucking ha…

  • wolverinefangowings:

    @Srd1126 LMFAO that made my day thanks bud

  • eperce:

    Widgets, lmao!

  • leiefilm:

    @14Roxy agree with ya

  • xXcontrolldeniedXx:

    @lnqusitor right, well thanks for playing, BTW the initial comment was directed at you stating that the professor was like a republican and i’ve asked 10 times now why you would come to that conclusion, Don’t think i didn’t notice you conveniently left out the zeitgeist reference which i was waiting to come out all along. Every brainwashed retard that’s seen that piece of shit propaganda sounds exactly the same. Take off the tin foil hat and try reading a book before you talk out your ass.

  • lnqusitor:

    @xXcontrolldeniedXx There is no point in talking to you any more, after stating what you did in your last post either your “education” s horrible, made-up, or deliberately ignorant, probably a combination of all 3. almost everything you stated in your last post isn’t accurate if you know it or not, which means there is nothing left to be said.

  • Srd1126:

    I think this professor became an economic advisor to Obama.

  • xXcontrolldeniedXx:

    @mojothemigo wrong asshole, i was mocking the other douche. It’s called sarcasm numbnuts. Omg, you don’t even realize how stupid you are do you? Maybe you can get someone with reading comprehension skills past that of a 10 year old to read the rest of my comments and explain it to you. you could start with the post i left were i explain the same thing to another retard.

  • mojothemigo:

    @xXcontrolldeniedXx I knew what you meant, you were calling Republicans on nepotism and committee. I was trying to make the point that the socialist standards are much more so that way. You are too much of a stupid, cock sucking son of a bitch to know what I was talking about. Please jump off a cliff

  • xXcontrolldeniedXx:

    @mojothemigo Are you to stupid to read all my posts or are you pretending to be stupid to make republicans look dumb? Who in their right mind would say nepotism is good and not be sarcastic about it? are you that fucking dumb?

  • xXcontrolldeniedXx:

    @lnqusitor it’s funny because i just had psychology and behaviorism does not carry the weight it once did. One can get your masters in behavioral economics which is exactly what your describing. IDK what planet you’re from, but, you learn tons of math and statistics, can even focus on econometrics. What about anything i’ve just said led you to believe i wanted a phd in neoclassical economics. Let me guess, you saw Zeitgeist and drank some kool-aid and now your an expert. Am i far off the mark?

  • mojothemigo:

    @xXcontrolldeniedXx Since you hate free markets so much, you preffer the government make all the decisions for everybody else? Everybody is so stupid except our fantastic politicians? You want nepotism and committees, those are government agencey beaurocrats. Sometimes I get pissed at Republicans for not doing enough about it, but they don’t hold a candle compared to Democrats for that kind of thing.

  • lnqusitor:

    @xXcontrolldeniedXx Economic majors are not studying economics you are indoctrinated into neoclassical mythology. Major advances in economics come from people in Physics, Math and Psychology who address economics. You will learned failed theory but insist it is true because the opportunity cost rejecting your “education” will be too high for you. You will never learn Chaos Theory, Behaviorism or Modern statistics even if you completed a PhD in neoclassical pseudoscience.

  • xXcontrolldeniedXx:

    @lnqusitor Hmmm, yet another vague unqualified statement that has nothing to do with the question i asked. Why do you think so? what is your full baked take on it? I really wish you would educate me, i don’t know where else to turn. Since you love to avoid question and make blind assumptions, i’ll make my own, you have never been on any debate teams and you have a half-baked idea of what logic is. I’m still waiting for that percentage? Is it higher or lower than 50%

  • lnqusitor:

    @xXcontrolldeniedXx If it is your major then I definitely believe you only have a half baked knowledge of Economics.

  • xXcontrolldeniedXx:

    @lnqusitor well i guess by now if i at best I only have a half baked idea about what economics is , i should change my major asap. Thanks for enlightening me although i wish you would regale me with your insights into the dismal science. Just out of curiosity, what about that professor question i asked you about. That one even an idiot like me could understand in a short reply. A percentage will do. Thanks for straightening me out and showing me my ignorance.

  • lnqusitor:

    @xXcontrolldeniedXx How can I explain something like that to a person who obviously has no idea, or half baked ones, about what economics is? Waste of time.

  • xXcontrolldeniedXx:

    @lnqusitor I’m not a devotee of anything. I generally run from someone that says they have a unified theory of economics that applies in all situations. I am a devotee however, of fucking with pretentious assholes that spout vague nonsense. How many of your business professors were Republicans might I ask, and what is your theory of the proper role of regulation, markets, and taxes in an ideal economy?

  • xXcontrolldeniedXx:

    @StanBennet i’ve started 2 businesses and i’m also attending college majoring in economics. I think you should sharpen your reading skills because i was mocking the douche who was talking out his ass above me here. I’ve always said, each side of politics has it’s own worst enemies and usually it’s own members. You and your ignorance are living proof. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but you just made an ass of yourself.

  • StanBennet:

    @xXcontrolldeniedXx What business have you ever started up and ran successfully? When the USA wasn’t having all these regulations and taxes, our companies weren’t going overseas. Don’t tell me what everyone with a brain knows you jealous, worries about what the other guy makes person. I came out of the dirt, poor as hell, and now the government wants to punish me for the chances I took with all the money I had. Shame on you. It sickens me you have the same vote in elections I do.

  • StanBennet:

    How come it seems that all the great products and companies were started by non-Harvard types? Yeah, yeah, there’s exceptions.

  • lnqusitor:

    Thank you, unfortunately if you are a devotee of neoclassical economics the same can not be extended to you.

  • xXcontrolldeniedXx:

    @lnqusitor wow, you’re not as dumb as your comments would leave one to believe. Good for you

  • lnqusitor:

    Hohoho do I detect a closet economist there?

  • xXcontrolldeniedXx:

    @lnqusitor HAha yeah i know what you mean, out of touch professors are notorious die hard republicans. I know all mine are. Fuck free markets.. everyone with a brain knows nepotism and committees are the best way to run an economy.

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